Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Throw Jann from the Train

I still Love Jann Arden's music, but at the moment I am very disappointed with Jann. Having worked in the service industry myself, and still do, to a point, it is apparent that Miss Arden is all about herself and has little regard for rules or the patron next to her. Yes, I know I haven't talked to Jann, nor do I need to? This needs to be clarified as she has already slammed at least one reporter for openly disagreeing with her actions. These are the facts, not only from what I researched, online, but also from what Jann Arden has said personally according to an article in the Ottawa Citizen. Miss Arden brought a non-service dog on a Via train. The facts are dubious if the dog was in her bag or not. Miss Arden says that the dog was on her lap and in plain view. At the end of the day does that really matter? Miss Arden said that her assistant, when booking the tickets, was not aware that dogs were not permitted on the train. On this point, does that make it anymore correct? If I am picked up for speeding on a road where the limit is 50 Km and I believe it to be 80, am I not still speeding? Her dog is not a child and Jann Arden is not above the rules. Miss Arden, according to the article, was given the option to have Midi go to the luggage department as there was a cage available. To this she refused and chose to disembark.

There are good reasons, in place, why pets are not permitted in with the other passengers. Many people are afraid of dogs, and that includes even tiny ones. Postal carriers will be the first to tell you that they have been attacked by small dogs. Miss Arden, I couldn't care less about how well your dog behaves herself, she is an animal. Animals can attack if startled, a fact that I didn't get from other blogs or twitter and information that doesn't just pertain to this incident. This, unfortunately I learned from personal experience. From the Ottawa Citizen report, Miss Arden made a claim that Midi, her dog, is hypoallergenic. From my research, this is based more on fiction than reality. Any of the reputable sources, including The Dog Guide, indicate that there is no such thing as a truly hypoallergenic animal. In the same Article, Miss Arden also is said to mention that while in Europe, pets are everywhere. I am not sure how to say this in a nice way, but you are not currently in Europe Miss Arden.

I can’t stress enough that I do love animals. That said, if society is to work we must all abide by the same rules. In my opinion, Via rail did everything that was possible to bring resolution to this issue that would have benefited the other passengers as well as Miss Arden, but she refused their solution. In the end, she disembarked in Oshawa and not in the middle of nowhere.